Our Firm´s team is made up from members with diverse academic backgrounds, ages and legal proficiency. It is a united multidisciplinary team that sums up expertise, academic prestige, seriousness, youth and flexibility.
The way we work together allows us to do both the simplest and the complex cases including those that imply a great volume of work in an efficient way. And this is the reason for our Firm having among its clients individuals, companies, which either operate nationwide or engage in multinational operations, and other institutions.
Although our main business is located in Spain, we do have a great network in different Latin American countries. This is why we are capable of servicing both American individuals and companies who want to do business in Spain and the Europeans who want to do so in Latin America.
It is the aim of our Firm to eradicate the myth of the lawyers being the source for problems and complications. Our philosophy is to simplify situations and solve the inquiries brought to us, giving the maximum support to our clients. We always look for the solutions, not the problems.

Víctor Moreno Catena
Of Counsel

Main practice areas
Advice and legal defence of companies and individuals in criminal proceedings, including, specially, white collar crimes.
Advice and legal defence of companies and individuals in civil and commercial proceedings.
Advice and representation of companies and individuals in litigation against the Public Administration both in administrative and in court proceedings.
• Degree in Law, Universidad de Sevilla, 1975
• Doctorate in Law granted by the Universidad de Sevilla, 1979
Professional Practice
Víctor Moreno Catena was a founding partner of the Firm, and he currently acts as an Of Counsel of it.
He has a great experience as a jurist, having being a professor in Litigation Law for more than 30 years.
Practicing as a lawyer, he advised and led the legal defence of a large amount of companies –including listed companies- and individuals in the criminal, civil and contentious-administrative jurisdictions.
For six years he was the Secretary General of the Ibero-American Countries Justice Ministers Assembly (COMJIB) and of IberRed, the Ibero-American International Justice Cooperation Network, being both conformed of the Judiciary, the Public Ministries and the Judicial Ministries of the 21 Ibero-American countries.
University Carreer
Víctor Moreno has been professor of Litigation Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Seville, being currently Litigation Law professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He has directed more than 20 doctoral theses.
He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Nanterre (Paris X) and Pantheón-Assas (Paris II).
For more than 7 years Víctor has been, and continues to be, the director of the Master in Legal Advice for Corporations (LL.M.) at the Carlos III University of Madrid, and he recently implemented a Master in Legal Mediation at the same University.
He founded the Legal Practice School of Santiago de Compostela, and started the Master in Legal Practice (LL.M.) of the Carlos III University of Madrid, which he directed during over 15 years.
Doctor Honoris Causa from Pablo de Olavide University (Seville) in 2020.
Professional Associations and Official Institutions
He is the founder and current President of the Spanish Union of Criminal Lawyers, a group conformed of the most prestigious criminal lawyers in Spain and which seeks to protect the interests of the defence right in Spain.
Victor is a permanent member to the Spanish General Codification Commission since 1986.
He has been named arbitrator by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and the Madrid Bar Association.
Víctor is member of the Ibero-American Procedure Law Institute; of the Pan-American Procedure Law Institute and the Spanish Foundation of Procedure Law.
Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian
He is a member to the Publishing Board of prestigious scientific magazines such as Teoría y Derecho (Theory and Law); InDret; Revista Penal (Criminal Review); Práctica de Tribunales (Judicial Practice); El Consultor Inmobiliario (The Real Estate Consultant), and Revista General de Derecho Procesal (General Review of Procedure Law).
He has published various individual monographs and over 20 collective books of the most diverse matters always related to Litigation Law, including (i) “The summary criminal proceedings” (“El proceso penal abreviado”, publisher: Tirant lo Blanch, 2004); (ii) the direction of “The criminal proceedings” (“El Proceso Penal”, publisher: Tirant lo Blanch, 2000) a work which includes 5 volumes; (iii) “Schemes of Procedural Law” (“Esquemas de derecho Procesal”), with a specific volume for Judicial Organization, Civil, Criminal, Labour and Public Litigation (publisher Tirante lo Blanch, 2005-2008); (iv) the “Judicial Organization Manual” (“Manual de Organización Judicial” publisher Tirant lo Blanch, 2ª ed., 2004); co-director for both (v) the “Exposition on the Civill Procedure Act” (“Exposición de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil” publisher Tecnos, 2000), which includes 5 volumes; and (vi) “Practical Aspects of the Civil Procedure Act” (“La Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. Aplicación práctica”, publisher Tecnos, 2004), which includes 3 volumes.
He is also co-writer, together with Professor Cortés Domínguez, of the manuals “Introduction to Procedure Law”, “Civil Procedure Law”, “Special Civil Proceedings” and “Criminal Procedure Law”.

Silvia Venturi

Main practice areas
Advice in all areas of company law, Temporary Company Alliances (UTEs) and Joint Ventures.
Legal reorganization of groups of companies.
National and International Commercial Agreements.
Legal defence in challenging of corporate agreements, Directors’ responsibility, conflicts between shareholders.
Legal advice to sports companies and institutions.
Drafting of agreements on Advertising resources exploitation, Sponsorship, Marketing and Merchandising, events organization, exploitation and broadcasting of audiovisual and TV rights.
Contracts for recruitment, release and transfer of sportsmen, exploitation of image rights.
Legal advice and drafting of agreements on copyright exploitation, publishing agreements, audiovisual production, transfer of TV formats, contracts of sale of information content.
Legal defence in court proceedings on intellectual property rights.
Drafting of advertising agreements, general advising with regard to conformity of advertising campaign with legal regulations.
Drafting of Sponsorship agreements, transfer of advertising marketing rights, agency and commission agreements with regard to advertising and sponsorship.
Advising and legal defence in court proceedings on Rights to Honour, Privacy and one’s own Image.
Contract law, conflicts due to infringement of obligations, debt recovery, actions for damages, commercial enforcements.
• Degree in Law, Universitá La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), 1986
• Degree in Law, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1988
Professional Practice
Silvia Venturi is a founding partner of the firm. Formerly she practiced as a lawyer in different law firms in Madrid, and as in house legal advisor in Grupo Zeta and Dalbergia group.
Silvia has acted as a barrister in outstanding legal proceedings, including litigation on audiovisual and TV rights, and on breach of commercial agreements.
Italian, Spanish, English and French

Jorge Moreno Coca

Main practice areas
Advising financial institutions and companies during the negotiation of financing agreements both in the ordinary course of business and in special situations, including restructuring solutions. And both in bilateral negotiations or within a pool of creditors and/or financial institutions.
Advising companies and financial institutions in financial distressed situations, including pre-bankruptcy filings, both voluntary and necessary bankruptcy proceedings, filing and defense of incidental claims and negotiation of creditors agreements.
Judicial defense in companies conflicts, actions for payment and commercial enforcements, expropriations and defamation law.
• Degree in Law (JD equivalent) – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2003)
• Degree in Business Administration and Management (BA equivalent) – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2003).
• International LLM at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain (2009)
Professional Practice
Jorge Moreno Coca is a partner of the firm since 2013. Prior to joining Moreno Catena & Venturi, he was a consultant for Accnture Financial Services with assignments in different European and Latin American countries. He has practiced law in the Madrid office of Simmons & Simmons and as an in house counsel for Barclays Bank in Spain, focusing on the corporate book of the Bank, and, most precisely in its Restructuring and Recoveries department.
Spanish, English, German and basic French
“Limits to the alienation power of the parties within the civil proceedings. Civil Procedure issues within proceedings regarding to a takeover bid” (“Límites al poder de disposición de las partes en el proceso civil. Cuestiones procesales civiles en pleitos surgidos a raíz de una OPA”), paper included in the 2009 Litigation Yearbook for Lawyers (Anuario Contencioso para Abogados 2009) (published in La Ley 2009), and was written together with Mr. Fernando Aizpún Viñes.
“The public activity within Germany’s energy sector” (“La actividad administrativa en el sector energético alemán”), paper included in the Regulatory Treaty of the Electricity Sector (Tratado de Regulación del Sector Eléctrico) (published in Aranzadi 2008), this particular paper deals with major aspects of the public regulation of Germany’s energy sector, and was written together with Mr. Luis Felipe Castresana Sánchez, Mr. Michael Bormann and Mrs. Gabriele Braband.

Eva María Fonseca Gamito

Main practice areas
Legal advice and defense in criminal proceedings followed mainly by crimes against property and the socio-economic order, crimes against the Public Treasury and Social Security, crimes against workers’ rights, against spatial planning and urban planning and against the environment, as well as crimes against the Public Administration.
Experience in legal defense called “macroprocesses”.
General advice and legal defense in matters of Horizontal Property, obligations and contracts.
General legal advice on Data Protection and Privacy Policy. Legal defense in administrative and judicial procedures.
• Degree in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid, 2008. Academic year 2005-2006 held at the University of Bologna (Italy).
• Master in the Practice of Law. Carlos III University of Madrid, 2010.
• Certificate of high specialization in Economic Criminal Law. UCM School of Legal Practice, 2019.
Professional Practice
Eva Fonseca became part of the office in January 2009. Previously, she had been collaborating in the Procedural Law Department of the Carlos III University of Madrid.
Spanish and Italian

Francisco Banqueri Moreno

Main practice areas
Legal assistance and defense in criminal proceedings followed mainly by:
• corporate crimes and crimes against property and against the socio-economic order,
• crimes against the Public Treasury,
• corruption crimes and other crimes against Public Administrations,
• and cybercrime.
Preventive advice and legal defense in relation to the criminal liability of legal persons.
Legal advice to commercial companies and cooperatives.
Legal defense in creditors’ contests, in procedures to challenge company agreements, responsibility of administrators and other matters of a commercial nature.
Advice and legal defense in civil proceedings related to the right to honor, civil liability and other matters of civil property law.
• Degree in Law and in Business Administration and Management. Pablo de Olavide University, Seville, 2009.
• Master in the practice of law. Carlos III University of Madrid, 2010.
• On-site Compliance Officer course. Thomson Reuters, 2015.
• Certificate of high specialization in Economic Criminal Law. UCM School of Legal Practice, 2019.
Professional Practice
Francisco Banqueri has been a practicing lawyer at the Firm since 2011. He has previously practiced the profession in other Law Firms in Madrid and Seville.
Spanish and English

Luciano Parejo Alfonso
Of Counsel

Main areas of expertise
Providing practical advice to companies and clients in procedures against Government Administrations.
Public procurement advice
Government concessions
Regulated industries
Planning projects
Urban conventions
Urban development management
Professional experience
He has been recognised since May 2011 as Senior Statesperson by the British Board of Chambers and Partners.
Offices held in Public Goverment: General Director of Local Administration Institute (1983-1985)
Assistant Secretary of the Ministry of Territorial Administration (1985-1986) and Public Administrations (1986-1987)
President of the National Institute of Public Administrations (1987-1989)
Currently, he is Professor Emeritus of University Carlos III, Madrid.
Academic Director of Ortega-Marañon Foundation.
Director of Instituto Pascual Madoz, Territory, Urbanism and Environment until July 2017.
Dean of the International University Menéndez Pelayo in 2005 and 2006. He was named Honorary Dean in 2008.
Doctor Honoris Causa from Tucuman University (Argentina), Católica de Tachira (Venezuela) and Valparaiso University (Chile).
He is an academic from the School of Law and Social Science of the National University of Cordoba (Argentina).
Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Jurisprudence at Colegio Mayor Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Colombia) and Mendoza University (Argentina), Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú) and Externado de Colombia.
Professional associations and Official Institutions
Attorney and member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Honorary Member of the College of Arquitects of Madrid.
Spanish and German
He has conductedresearch over three decade and has directed more than 30 doctoral theses. He is the author of numerous books and more than 300 investigations and articles on his scientific speciality. He has participated in various competitive projects within the National R+D+I Plan, as well as in numerous research contracts of special relevance with companies and administrations.

Gonzalo Quintero Olivares
Of Counsel

Main areas of expertise
Responsible for providing practical advice to companies and clients on all legal aspects of criminal law, including, financial crime.
Degree in Law, 1969.
PhD in Law with honours in, 1972.
Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Cantabria, has been awarded the Gran Cruz de San Raimundo de Peñafort , the Gran Cruz del Mérito Militar con distintivo Blanco, and the Cruz de Honor de San Raimundo de Peñafort.
Professional Experience
Associate Professor in 1976.
Professor in Criminal Law in 1980.
Docente en las Universidades de Barcelona, Valladolid, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca y Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona.
Lecturer at the University of Barcelona, Valladolid, Málaga, Palma de Mallorca and Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona.
Lecturer in American and European Universities.
Professional associations and Official Institutions
Permanent member of the Commission General de Codificacion, attached to Criminal Law and Penitentiary Section.
Former Member of the General Council of the Judiciary and the Commission’s Director General for Legal Services.
Attorney and member of the Madrid Bar Association.
Spanish and French
Author of over 30 books and co-author of the “Comments to the Spanish Penal Code.” Today, in its 7th edition, it is the first work of its kind in Spain, constituting a reference for the entire world of legal professionals.
To this are added its General Part and Special Parts manuals, as well as more than 250 monographs.
Member of Editorial Board of Criminal Law, Member of the Editing Commitee from Aranzadi/Thomson-Reuters and Member of the Editing Commitee of L´Indice Penale Magazine (Italy) and Diritto Penale XXI Secolo.

María Victoria Carretero Méndez

Main practice areas
Advice and legal defense in claims of quantity, obligations and contracts, civil liability, matrimonial proceedings and inheritance processing.
Legal advice on issues of corporate law, corporate agreements and statutory modifications.
• Degree en Law, Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, 2013.
• LLM in Business Legal Practice at Centro de Estudios Garrigues, 2014.
Professional Practice
María Victoria joined the firm in January 2019. Previously, she had been practising law in different Madrid firms such as Ontier.
Spanish and English

Sara Matesanz Álvarez

Main practice areas
Advice and legal defence in criminal proceeding in offences against property and socioeconomic order, against Exchequer and the Social Security Authorities, against worker’s rights, offences against honour and privacy, homicide and injuries as well as offences of breach of confidence.
Advice and legal defence in claims for payment (contractual and extracontractual obligations), Construction Law, Banking Law, as well as in Defamation.
• Dual Degree in Law and Business Administration at IE University (2015). Exchange Semester at University of South Carolina, Columbia (USA).
• Dual LLM in Legal Practice and Legal Advice to Businesses at IE Law School, 2015.
• Advance Program at Compliance and Compliance’s Experts (CUMPLEN).
Professional Practice
Sara Matesanz joined the firm in January 2021. Prior to that, she had been collaborating with the Litigation, Criminal Law and Civil Law Department at Lener Asesores, Adolfo Prego Abogados and Ventura Garcés & López Ibor.
Spanish and English

Lucía Martínez-Arrieta Rebollo

Main practice areas
Legal counsel and defense in criminal proceedings related to property and corporate crimes, offenses against Public Administration, as well as crimes against persons.
Legal advice in family and succession law cases, as well as proceedings concerning privacy and right to honor.
• Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Diploma in Economic Law from the University of Navarra. (2021)
• Master’s Degree in Access to Law Practice at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. (2022)
• Diploma in Internal Investigations and Forensic Studies at the Escuela de Práctica Jurídica in Madrid. (2023)
• Diploma in High Specialization in Economic Criminal Law at the Escuela de Práctica Jurídica in Madrid. (2024)
Professional Practice
Lucía Martínez-Arrieta joined the Law Firm in February 2024. Previously, she practiced law at firms such as Garrido Mendoza Abogados and Oliva – Ayala Abogados, specializing in Criminal Law.
Spanish and English

Litigation and Arbitration - CORPORATE LITIGATION
- Any kind of disputes between companies.
- Corporate actions against directors, challenge of corporate bylaws.

Litigation and Arbitration - CRIMINAL LITIGATION
- Legal defence in crimes against the property, the estate and the socioeconomic order, against urban development and the Public Bodies, as well as crimes against workers’ rights.

Litigation and Arbitration - CIVILE
- All kinds of Commercial Litigation.
- Claims for payment.
- Precautionary Measures (Injunctions).
- Claims relating to in rem rights.
- Proceedings with regard to Family Law.
- Actions in connection to the Right to Honour, to Personal Privacy, and to one’s Dignity.
- Proceedings regarding to Inheritances.
- Actions in order to defend Intellectual Property Rights.
- Claims and legal defence in administrative and judicial proceedings in relation to Personal Data Protection.
- Proceedings regarding Joint Real Estate Ownerships (Horizontal Property).

Litigation and Arbitration - ARBITRATION
- Representation and defence of clients in disputes before Institutional Arbitration Courts (including, without limitation, the Spanish Arbitration Court, the Arbitration Court of the Madrid’s Chamber of Commerce, the Civil and Commercial Arbitration Court, the Arbitration Court of Madrid, the Madrid Bar Arbitration Court).
- Ad hoc arbitration proceedings.

Litigation and Arbitration - ADMINISTRATIVE LITIGATION
- Administrative Appeals.
- Proceedings before the Administrative Courts, including enforcement actions.
- Administrative Sanctioning Law.

Litigation and Arbitration - RIGHT TO HONOR
- Procedures on the Right to Honor, Privacy and Self Image.
- Prior advice and management of the outcome of the lawsuit.

Litigation and Arbitration - CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION
- Appeals before the Constitutional Court (Recurso de Amparo).

Litigation and Arbitration - BANKRUPTCY LITIGATION
- Advice in all phases of the bankruptcy proceedings in all phases of the bankruptcy proceedings to Creditors or Debtors:
- Pre-insolvency.
- Scheme of Arrangement.
- Application for voluntary or necessary insolvency.
- Advice during the Common Phase of the insolvency (incidents –credit recognition and qualification-, Mandatory Enforcements within the proceedings and/or Pre-Creditors Agreement).
- Negotiation of Creditors Agreement.
- Wind-up and Qualification phases.
- Structuring and Advice of Financial Instruments aimed to Invest in Financially Distressed or Insolvent Companies

Advice - CIVIL LAW
- Agreements between Companies and Individuals.
- Incorporation and Legal Management of Companies and Associations.
- Agreements relating to Intellectual Property.
- Advice on Inheritances.

- Criminal liability of the legal person.
- Corporate Compliance: review and drafting of plans.
- Economic criminal advice in internal and cross-border commercial transactions.
- Drafting of opinions.

- Company Law.
- Joint Ventures.
- Reorganization of groups of companies.
- National and international agreements.
- Restructuring and refinancing of companies.

- Advising Sports Institutions and Entities.
- Management of Advertising Resources.
- Sponsors.
- Marketing and Merchandising.
- Recruitment, Assignment and Trading of Athletes.
- Representation of Athletes. Exercise of Image Rights (Royalties).
- Organization of Events.
- Exercise and Management of Audio-visual rights.

- Drafting and Negotiation of Bilateral and Syndicated Facilities.
- Drafting and Advice on Project Finance Agreements.
- Advice on Derivatives and Financial Hedging Instruments, in general.
- Negotiated Exit Strategies in Special Situations (Debt for Assets Swap, Debt for Equity Swap, etc.).

- Advice on Information Duties and obtaining the Informed Consent for the Registration of Files in the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
- Mailing of Marketing Communications through Electronic Means and Data Storage Devices.
- Advice on the Use and Transfer of Personal Data, and Legal Obligations on Security Measures.

- Advertising Agreements.
- Compliance of Advertising Campaigns to the Legal Framework.
- Agreements and Management of Sponsorships.
- Assignment of Marketing and Sponsorship Rights.
- Agency and Commission in relation to Advertising and Sponsors.

- Advice on the Legal Framework on Joint Real Estate Ownerships (Horizontal Property), Agreements among Joint Owners and Conflicts between the Owners of a Condominium.
Moreno Catena & Venturi
c/ Villanueva, 33-2º dcha. · 28001 · MADRID
Tel.: 917 81 34 28 · Fax: 917 81 55 20
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MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS, S.L. es una compañía mercantil de nacionalidad española domiciliada en la calle Villanueva, nº 33 – 2º dcha. 28001 Madrid, con C.I.F. B85706281 e inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid al Tomo 26819, folio 170, hoja número M-483261. y son dominios en Internetcuya titularidad corresponde a MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS, S.L.y que contienen la página o el sitio web al que se accede a través de las URL y datos generales de contacto son la dirección de correo electrónico y el número de teléfono (+34) 917 81 34 28.
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El responsable del tratamiento de sus datos personales es MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS, S.L. (C.I.F. B85706281), con domicilio en la calle Villanueva, nº 33 – 2º dcha. 28001 Madrid, y para estos fines, el número de teléfono (+34) 917 81 34 28 y la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:
MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS, S.L. (en adelante “MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS”) trata sus datos personales con los siguientes fines y con la base legal que a continuación se indica:
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- Ejecución de un contrato (artículo 6.1.b RGPD)
- Consentimiento del interesado (artículo 6.1.a RGPD)
- Realización de un presupuesto ajustado a sus necesidades.
- Consentimiento del interesado (artículo 6.1.a RGPD)
- Gestionar comunicaciones por correo electrónico con interesados.
- Consentimiento del interesado (artículo 6.1.a RGPD)
Los datos personales que nos proporcioneserán conservados mientras nuestra relación mercantil continúe vigente. En todo caso, cuando los datos personales no sean necesarios para el fin para el que fueron recabados y mientras no se proceda a la cancelación definitiva de los mismos, se conservarán de forma bloqueada.
Sin embargo, le informamos que de forma periódica revisaremos nuestros sistemas para proceder a eliminar aquellos datos que no sean legalmente necesarios.
Puede ejercitar cualquiera de los derechos ARCO+ comunicándolo a la dirección postal calle Villanueva, nº 33 – 2º dcha. 28001 Madrid o a la dirección electrónica <>. En todo caso, según la normativa vigente tiene reconocidoslos siguientes derechos ARCO+:
- Derecho de acceso a sus datos personales
- Derecho a solicitar su rectificación o supresión
- Derecho a solicitar la limitación del tratamiento
- Derecho a oponerse al tratamiento
- Derecho a la portabilidad de sus datos
- Derecho a revocar el consentimiento prestado
La relación entre el cliente y su abogado se fundamenta en la confianza y la integridad. Por ello, el artículo 5 del Código Deontológico de la Abogacía Española instaura el secreto profesional como un derecho y deber de los Abogados con sus clientes. Este derecho y deber se extiende a la protección de los datos personales que usted nos proporcione.
Salvo los órganos judiciales encargados de conocer sobre la defensa de los derechos que usted nos haya encomendado, sus datos no serán comunicados a ninguna otra persona, siempre y cuando usted no haya dado su expreso consentimiento para ello o el tratamiento no sea necesario para ejecutar su relación mercantil,satisfacerlos intereses legítimos y/o vitales del interesado o cuando MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS esté contractual o legalmente obligado a facilitarlos.
Asimismo, le informamos que sus datos no se transferirán internacionalmente a ningún tercer país.
Los datos de carácter personal que utiliza MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOSproceden del propio interesado. En el caso de que algún cliente nos proporcione datos de carácter personal de terceras personas, el cliente nos garantiza que les ha informado con carácter previo a su inclusión, de los extremos contenidos en la presente Política de Privacidad, respondiendo personalmente frente a MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS de cuantos daños y perjuicios puedan derivarse en caso de contravención.
De manera enunciativa y no limitativa, los datos personales tratados por MORENO VENTURI ABOGADOS son datos identificativos, de información comercial, bancarios y de transacciones de bienes y servicios, datos relativos a la salud o datos de condenas o infracciones penales y/o administrativas.
En cualquier caso, sus datos serán tratados con un nivel de protección de acuerdo a las normas aplicables sobre Protección de Datos y no se someterán a decisiones automatizadas.
En el caso de que usted entienda que sus derechos se han visto menoscabados, puede presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD), sita en la calle Jorge Juan 6, 28001 – Madrid. Más información sobre la AEPD en